Welcome to the ZONK! .... website. Posted by Gif2 on 4/29/2002, 6KBPosted by Gif2 on 4/29/2002, 16KBPosted by Gif2 on 4/29/2002, 6KB

You don't have to be online for this version to run.  Cheers...

This latest version was updated 4/29/2000, it fixed a few problems and added two new sound bites complements of the Escalantes.

To download a single file that contains all ZONK! files in a self-extracting zip select the following link:


If you have any problems please email md3@xocomp.net We will try to fix any problems, but don't expect a speedy response.

This software is in no way guaranteed to do anything.  Use it at your own risk.

Future experiment to allow users to play Zonk Online. 

Future version will be using ASP.NET!

This page was last updated on 03/26/04Hit Counter